Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spinal Tap Mark II - Jazz Exploration

My old friend Tiffany made me do it.  She told me she was perusing old xangas from college and I got to looking at mine, and I realize that I kind of miss all that.  I guess I'm too old for xanga these days, so I thought I'd grow up and get me a blogspot.  

To catch up on my (mostly embarrassing) older blogs, go to

Okay, more to follow when it comes.


Unknown said...

call it, frieno...

Tiffany said...

yeah! i'm psyched - although i am somewhat chagrined about the "old" friend business [i'm still young at heart!] and i just don't know if you will be able to top the philosophical complexity of alejandroIV...

also, look at your xanga's first entry! see any similarities..?