Friday, March 7, 2008


"I've been saying all along that we need experience to change America for the better, end the war, and say the things you want to hear.  I promise to put on regional accents, tell each state they are the most important, and keep my annoying fake smile and laugh for 8 long years in the White House.  Don't vote for Obama...he's black.  We need a skirt in power, and we need an experienced one."
This message paid for by Hillary Clinton for President

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

She's coming to Harrisburg on Tuesday oh man! [At the Forum at noon.] Who'da thunk PA would actually make a difference in the primaries for once? Polls say Clinton is leading in the state, but what polls? I sure wasn't asked. Now I'm def going to change my affiliation from independent to Democrat...