Friday, September 12, 2008

Hiatus Over

PHILADELPHIA, Pa --- The blogging hiatus of (the blogger writing here) is officially over for 2008. Normal blogging activies will now resume as originally intended.

This here entry serves no purpose other than the following:

At the behest of others, I'm not going to drop the ball so easily on this. Not that there's anything truly important here, but come on, it's fun.

If you want a real blog that balances issues with fun, go to Now THAT's a blogger. He's a fellow Hold Steady fan, show promoter at the splendid ABC microbrewery in Harrisburg, and essentially the Elijah (as in, the prophet) of Harrisburg.

If the rains hold, I'll be jumping out of an airplane this weekend. When it's 10,000 feet in the air. I suppose if that doesn't go well, then I'll drop the ball on this blog again. But that would be a whole other story.

Obligatory sports mention: are the Phillies done? I dare not yet publish a prediction that they are. I trust the Mets and their ability to fail.

1 comment:

Nello said...

I don't believe you yet.